Year 4
Welcome to Term 4
We hope you all had a restful half-term and are ready for Term 4!
As usual, please see our newsletter and curriculum overviews for details of our topics, events and key dates.
We have lots of exciting learning ahead, including learning about Beowulf in English and creating a class performance of it, making dips in DT and exploring how Southville/Bedminster has changed overtime in Geography.
If you have any queries, please get in touch with your child's class teacher. Please note that we will no longer be using our bristol-schools email addresses so please contact us on our new @ashtongateprimary.org email.
PPA time is covered by Coach Charlie, Mrs Rice, Mrs Ford or Mrs Whiteside-Knott.
Contact Details
Miss Cook icook@ashtongateprimary.org
Miss Murphy dmurphy@ashtongateprimary.org (Week 1: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday. Week 2: Monday and Tuesday)
Mr Hughes thughes@ashtongateprimary.org (Week 1: Thursday, Friday. Week 2: Wednesday, Thursday and Friday)
Miss Bandura lbandura@ashtongateprimary.org
Mr Anderson janderson@ashtongateprimary.org
P.E Days
4A: Friday
4B: Thursday
4C: Thursday
4MH: Friday