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Year 4

Welcome to Term 1

We hope you all had a wonderful summer and are ready for the start of Year 4!

As usual, please see our newsletter and curriculum overviews for details of our topics, events and key dates.

We have lots of exciting learning ahead, including the Romans in history, exploring magic in English and swimming in P.E. If you have any queries, please get in touch with your child's class teacher. Email addresses can be found below and we will be on the playground at the end of each school day. 

PPA time is covered by Coach Charlie or Mrs Rice.

Contact Details

Miss Cook

Miss Murphy (Week 1: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday. Week 2: Monday and Tuesday)

Mr Hughes (Week 1: Thursday, Friday. Week 2: Wednesday, Thursday and Friday)

Mrs Wallace

Mr Anderson


P.E Days

Starting from Week 2 of Term 1 for 10 weeks, we will be going swimming every Monday morning. The children can wear their P.E kit on these days and must bring their swimming kit to school with them each day. 


Our other P.E sessions will be tag rugby: 

Week 1

4A: Wednesday

4C: Friday

4MH: Friday

4W: Friday

Week 2

4A: Wednesday

4C: Friday

4MH: Friday

4W: Friday