Year 2
Welcome to Year 2
Welcome to Term 3!
Happy New Year! We hope you had a wonderful Christmas break and enjoyed the festivities. We will continue our journey of exploration and learning, diving into new subjects and activities.
Information on P.E
Sycamore - Mondays
Oak - Thursdays
Rowan - Fridays
Maple - Alternate Tuesdays and Wednesdays
As always we have a fun and exciting curriculum ahead of us and we are looking forward to starting many new topics and subjects this term, including Dance in PE to prepare for Term 4's Dance Festival at Ashton Park School. Check out our curriculum overview and termly newsletter for all the exciting things we’ll be learning about this term and key dates to remember!
We’d also love your help! If you or anyone you know has special skills or knowledge related to our topics, we’d be thrilled if you could come in and share them with the kids. They absolutely love having visitors, and it makes learning even more fun and engaging. Just let your child’s class teacher know if you’re interested.
As always if you have any queries, please don't hesitate to get in touch with your child's class teacher. Email addresses can be found below, and we will be available at the end of each day.
Year 2 teacher email addresses:
Maple Class
Miss Sophie Challis (Monday, Tuesday & Wednesday morning) -
Mrs Iainthe Tozer (Wednesday afternoon, Thursday & Friday) –
Oak Class
Miss Darsy Patel -
Rowan Class
Miss Hannah Lambert -
Sycamore Class
Mrs Mollie Hann –
At the end of the day, the Year 2 classes will exit through the following Year 1 classroom doors:
Oak - Bumblebee class
Maple - Beech class
Rowan - Cherry class
Sycamore - Elm class
Library days:
Oak - Monday
Maple - Tuesday
Rowan - Tuesday
Sycamore - Monday
Many thanks
Mrs Hann, Miss Challis, Miss Lambert, Miss Patel and Mrs Tozer