Who's Who - Email Addresses
Executive Headteacher
Mr Gareth Jones
Head of School Ashton Site (EYFS & KS1)
Mrs Laura Dowlman
Head of School Upton Site (KS2)
Mr Ali Donaldson
Assistant Headteacher
Mr Alex Hawkins
School Business Manager
Mrs Donna Scriven
Foundation Stage
Mrs Cath Sands Early Years Lead Professional
Miss Kelly Chapman
Miss Sam Ford
Mrs Kady Houghton
Mrs Shannon Johnson
KS1 teachers
Mr David Brand Year 1 teacher
Miss Phoebe Hillyard Year 1 teacher
Miss Sidra Khan Year 1 teacher
Miss Olivia Wiles Year 1 teacher
Mrs Mollie Hann Year 2 teacher
Miss Alex Young Year 2 teacher p/t
Miss Sophie Challis Year 2 teacher p/t
Ms Darsy Patel Year 2 teacher
MIss Hannah Lambert Year 2 teacher
Miss Catherine Hanley maternity leave
KS2 teachers
Mrs Sarah Harris Year 3 teacher
Mrs Georgie Beckerleg Year 3 teacher
Mr James Riley Year 3 teacher
Mr Doug Young Year 3 teacher
Mr Jon Anderson Year 4 teacher
Miss Imogen Cook Year 4 teacher
Mrs Sarah Wallace Year 4 teacher
Ms Dee Murphy Year 4 teacher p/t
Mr Tom Hughes Year 4 teacher p/t
Mrs Carolyn Busby Year 5 teacher p/t
Mr Matthew Considine Year 5 teacher
Miss Ella Nisbet Year 5 teacher
Mrs Rachael Herbert Year 5 teacher p/t
Miss Lily Goodman Year 5 teacher
Miss Sarah Edwards Year 6 teacher
Miss Kelly Mather Year 6 teacher
Mrs Katharine Simpson Year 6 teacher
Mrs Emma Taylor Year 6 teacher p/t
Mrs Charlotte Thomas Year 6 teacher p/t
Miss Rosie Franklin maternity leave
PE Teachers
Miss Charlotte Buckley
Mr Cameron Maslen
Ms Ella Rice
Mrs Ceri Wootten
Assistant SENDCo
Mrs Sharon Redfern
School Secretary
Mrs Sue Withey (Upton site)
Ms Angela Akbayir (Ashton site)
Mrs Sharon Herbert
Clerical Administrators
Mrs Lynn Brain - Attendance Officer and School Meals
Miss Emily Jones - Administrator
Learning Support Assistants
Mrs Jane Palmer
Mrs Michele Woolacott
Mrs Claire Baker
Mrs Maria Forsythe
Mrs Bernie Foord
Mrs Heather Whiteside-Knott
Miss Dawn Ward
Mrs Sue Winfield
Mrs Sarah Kewley
Mrs Gwen Fry
Mrs Joanne Douglas
Mrs Lucy Carkeek
Mrs Pilar Kurz
Miss Faye Turner
Mrs Rose Courville
Mrs Elizabeth Crofts
Miss Grace Morton
Miss Lesley Hayes
Miss Courtney Warburton
Mrs Paula Burns
Miss Kayleigh Baker
Miss Kathryn Dunkerley
Mrs Kamila Radecka-Zhou
Miss Alex Collier
Mrs Kathryn Pope
Ms Candice Palmer
Miss Madeline Compton
Site Manager
Mr Martin Hawkes
School Catering
Miss Tanya Hasell - Catering Manager
Miss Jo Ladbrook - Assistant Cook
Mrs Susan Thompson - General Kitchen Assistant
Miss Kayleigh Wookey - General Kitchen Assistant
Miss Abbie Richards -General Kitchen Assistant
Miss Maria Frisina - General Kitchen Assistant
Crossing Patrol
Mrs Elizabeth Crofts
School Meals Supervisors
Mrs Elizabeth Crofts
Mrs Michelle Wollacott
Mrs Jane Palmer
Miss Kirsty Bessell (Supervisor)
Mrs Claire Hopegood
Mrs Jayne Poole
Miss Dawn Ward
Mrs Claire Baker
Mrs Tina England
Miss Kelly Parsons
Miss Halimo Mohamed
Mrs Rose Courville
Miss Faye Turner
Miss Sue Winfield
Mr Connor Oxenham
Mrs Sharon Redfern
Ms Heather Whiteside-Knott
Miss Courtney Warburton (Supervisor)
Miss Jess Dickinson
Mrs Hidayo Hussein
Mrs Claire Braithwaite
Miss Sharon Doherty
Miss Kelsey Warburton
Miss Karina Stockley
Miss Evelyn Heath
Mrs Candice Palmer
Miss Tricia Green
Staff Email Addresses
SLT | |
Gareth Jones | gareth.jones@bristol-schools.uk |
Ali Donaldson | alistair.donaldson@bristol-schools.uk |
Laura Dowlman | laura.dowlman@bristol-schools.uk |
Alex Hawkins | alex.hawkins@bristol-schools.uk |
Donna Scriven | donna.scriven@bristol-schools.uk |
EYFS | |
Cath Sands | cath.sands@bristol-schools.uk |
Kelly Chapman | kelly.chapman@bristol-schools.uk |
Sam Ford | sam.ford@bristol-schools.uk |
Kady Houghton | kady.houghton@bristol-schools.uk |
Shannon Johnson | shannon.carter@bristol-schools.uk |
Year 1 | |
Phoebe Hillyard | phoebe.hillyard@ashtongatep.co.uk |
Sidra Khan | sidra.khan@bristol-schools.uk |
David Brand | david.brand@bristol-schools.uk |
Olivia Wiles | olivia.wiles@bristol-schools.uk |
Year 2 | |
Hannah Lambert | hannah.lambert@bristol-schools.uk |
Darsana Patel | darsy.patel@bristol-schools.uk |
Mollie Burden | mollie.burden@bristol-schools.uk |
Alex Young | alex.young@bristol-schools.uk |
Sophie Challis | sophie.challis@bristol-schools.uk |
Year 3 | |
Douglas Young | douglas.young@ashtongateps.uk |
James Riley | james.riley@bristol-schools.uk |
Sarah Harris | s.harris@bristol-schools.uk |
Georgina Beckerleg | georgina.gayton@bristol-schools.uk |
Year 4 | |
Dee Murphy | dee.murphy@bristol-schools.uk |
Tom Hughes | tom.hughes@bristol-schools.uk |
Sarah Wallace | sarah.huxley@bristol-schools.uk |
Jonathan Anderson | jonathan.anderson@bristol-schools.uk |
Imogen Cook | imogen.cook@bristol-schools.uk |
Year 5 | |
Rachael Herbert | rachael.herbert@bristol-schools.uk |
Carolyn Busby | carolyn.busby@bristol-schools.uk |
Matthew Considine | matthew.considine@bristol-schools.uk |
Ella Nisbet | ella.nisbet@bristol-schools.uk |
Lily Goodman | lily.goodman@bristol-schools.uk |
Year 6 | |
Charlotte Thomas | c.thomas@bristol-schools.uk |
Emma Taylor | e.taylor@bristol-schools.uk |
Katharine Simpson | katharine.simpson@bristol-schools.uk |
Sarah Edwards | sarah.edwards2@bristol-schools.uk |
Kelly Mather | kelly.mather@bristol-schools.uk |
Ceri Wootten | sencoashtongatep@bristol-schools.uk |
Assistant SENDCO | |
Sharon Redfern | sharon.redfern@ashtongateps.uk |
PE Staff | |
Cameron Maslen (EYFS&KS1) | cameron.Maslen@bristol-schools.uk |
Charlotte Buckley (KS2) | charlotte.buckley@bristol-schools.uk |
Ella Rice (KS2) | ella.rice@bristol-schools.uk |
Administration Staff | |
Angela Akbayir (Ashton) | a.akbayir@bristol-schools.uk |
Susan Withey (Upton) | susan.withey@bristol-schools.uk |
Sharon Herbert | shashtongatep@bristol-schools.uk |
Lynn Brain | lynn.brain@bristol-schools.uk |
Emily Jones (Ashton) | emily.jones@bristol-schools.uk |
Catering | |
Tanya Hasell | catering@ashtongatep.co.uk |