The Governing Body
The responsibilities of Ashton Gate Primary School Governing Body are determined by the Cathedral Schools Trust Scheme of Delegation.
For information about Cathedral Schools Trust - including the Decision Matrix, Scheme of Governance and Terms of Delegation for Local Governing Bodies - visit the CST website here
The Governors work with Cathedral School Trust Trustees to provide strategic leadership and accountability in the school. They devolve day to day operational decisions to the Executive Headteacher and school Senior Leadership Team but strategically they work with school staff to make decisions that ensure all pupils achieve their best.
We are fortunate enough to have a skilled and committed Local Governing Body at Ashton Gate Primary School who are keen to being involved in the continued improvement of the school. If you would like to find out more about the role of the Local Governing Body, please contact the school office or get in touch with Sue Waller, our Chair of Governors.
To contact the governors you can leave a message at the school office or email the Chair, Sue Waller on chair@ashtongateprimary.org
You can also contact the Clerk to Governors for the governing body on clerk@ashtongateprimary.org