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Sports Premium

Sports Premium
Sport and PE at Ashton Gate Primary School.
What is the Primary ‘Sport Premium’?
The primary ‘sport premium’ funding for primary schools has been designed to help schools in a variety of ways. Some of the outcomes we hope to meet through the sport premium funding are:
• Increased opportunities for competitive sport.
• Improved quality of teaching and learning in Primary Physical Education.
• Improvements in the quality and breadth of PE and sporting provision, including “increasing participation in PE and sport so that all pupils develop healthy lifestyles and reach the performances levels they are capable of.”

Uses at Ashton Gate Primary for the Sports Premium

  • Hiring specialist PE teachers or qualified sports coaches to work alongside primary teachers when teaching PE.
  • Replacing dated gym equipment with exciting, up to date equipment
  • Paying for professional development opportunities in PE/sport.
  • Providing cover to release primary teachers for professional development in PE/sport.
  • Increased participation in school games and competitive sport.
  • Providing places for pupils on after school sport clubs.
  • An increased amount of intra school competitions - athletics, sports days.
  • Transport to competition venues.
  • Release time for lesson observations to ensure a high standard of delivery across the school.
  • New kit to help raise the profile of sport at Ashton Gate Primary.

Ashton Park Sports Partnership
An amount of the money will be used to buy into the Ashton Park Sport Partnership. This will be our 5th year as part of the partnership, it is a vital tool that we have to enable all pupils the opportunity to compete in a wide range of sports at both local and county level. Cherry Kraus (the director) and her team put on a range of festivals to suit all needs. They are always competitive and allow schools to progress onto county, regional and national competitions. As well as providing the children with much needed competition, they provide the school and teachers with a wide variety of CPD opportunities that not only build teachers confidence but allow high quality teaching.


  • The funding has allowed us to attend more competitons including: tri-golf, netball, basketball, cricket, football, swimming, athletics, gymnastics and dance.
  • We currently offer an array of after-school clubs that are all fully subscribed including: football, netball, cricket, dance, gymnastics, tag rugby and dodgeball. By helping us raise the profile of sport at Ashton Gate, the funding has led to increased participation in after school clubs. We hope this enthusiasm will soon yield more success on the field.
  • Members of staff have more confidence when teaching PE due to the support from PE leaders and specialist coaches.