Year 6
Welcome back to term 2! We hope you all had a happy, healthy half-term break. After a very productive term settling back into year 6 and getting to know our new batch of lovely Y6 children, we have a range of exciting activities and lessons planned for term 2.
We have a large number of visitors and additional experiences planned to enhance the learning of Y6 and you should have received a letter before half-term explaining more about these. If you -or anyone that you know - has any skills or knowledge linked to what we will be learning about this term, particularly Antarctica, and you would be willing and able to come in and share them with the children, please let your child’s class teacher know as this can be a very enriching experience for the children and they absolutely love having visitors.
We will be available outside the side door at the end of the school day and can be contacted by email. Our contact details are below, so please do get in contact if you need to at any point and we will get back to you as soon as we can.
Our curriculum overview is available below, where you can find details of what we will be learning about in each subject.