Newsletters, letters and key dates
Year 4 Multiplication Tables Check
As you are probably aware, we will be doing a big push with times tables in year 4 throughout the year before the National Multiplication Tables Check in June. These will take place during week 2 of Term 6. Please find the link to the parents' guide below.
We will be learning and checking our times tables in a variety of ways in school, and we encourage you to support your child with their times tables at home. Times Table RockStars is a fantastic way of doing this, as is the 'MathsFrame' website, getting your child to play the 'Multplication Tables Checks'. This activity exactly mirrors how they will be tested next term. https://mathsframe.co.uk/en/resources/resource/477/Multiplication-Tables-Check
If you have any questions about the multiplication tables check, please speak to one of the Year 4 team.