In Year 4, there is a statutory times tables check in June. This test will be online and will test all tables learned up to 12x12. The children are required to answer each question in under 6 seconds to score, so speed is of vital importance!
Please practice these with your child at home. It is good practice to mix up questions, so they don't learn facts in order!
In order to prepare, the children have been using the fantastic resource called Times Tables Rockstars.
Please encourage your child to log in at home and practice, especially the garage, studio and soundcheck games. Soundcheck imitates the format of the real tables check.
Please ask your class teacher if you have any questions.
Are you up to speed with your times tables?
Space InvadersChoose which times table you need to improve on.
Try these games....Click on this link to take you to some games and activities to make you a whizz with your timesbatts!
Multiplying and dividing by 10, 100 and 1000
Multiplying and dividing by 10, 100 and 1000Test style questions, which get progressively harder.
Cross the river game.Game style questions.
Mental calculation games
Domino games.Lots of games to increase your speed!
Games to play with an adult!Have fun and improve your mental maths. Great!