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Homework and Spellings​​​​​​​

Homework tasks for this term can be found further down this webpage. 

The maths activities are short videos that recap the work undertaken in class in the previous school week. This allows pupils to revisit, revise and consolidate the work completed in school.  

The Year 5 team have recognised that pupils would benefit hugely from reading comprehension activities. Again, this will support the activities undertaken in school. We would recommend that pupils discuss their homework with, or undertake it with, an adult where possible. There is no requirement to print off any homework or share it with a class teacher. However, we encourage pupils or parents to ask us if they require any support with these tasks or if they have any questions after having completed them.

The children should use their Reading Diaries to record their homework task. A parent/carer can show a task has been completed by writing their initials under the set task. 

Please see below how we would like the Reading Diaries to be used. 

Any questions, please speak to your teacher. 


Each week, children will be able to access a new set of spellings on-line using our new scheme Spelling Shed. Following work in-class, they will be able to practise these, using a range of games online. For further information, please see the letter which was send to all parent/carers.