Spellings at home Link: EdShed
Please allow your child to spend some time each week on Spelling Shed. This is a fun and interactive programme which teaches and tests the children on their weekly spellings. The spellings will be discussed and taught in class also.
Reading at home
Please read with your child and discuss the texts with them, before signing their Reading Record - we will aim to check their records regularly.
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If you are finding it difficult to decide which book to read next, click on this link to see if you can find something which interests you. This is updated every month, so keep coming back!
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If you'd like to talk about books with other people your age, join up to this bookclub.
Books to read in Year 4
If you are struggling to find something to read, have a look at the list below to see if you can find something you haven't read.
SPAG (Spelling, punctuation and grammar)
In Year 4, the two main new grammar concepts are Fronted Adverbials and Expanded Noun Phrases.