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Year 1

Welcome to Year 1

Welcome to Term 1

 Welcome to Year 1. I hope you have all had an amazing summer break and managed to create lots of memories! We know the children will tell us all about them over the next few days.

 During Year 1, our children will be exploring ideas, discovering different ways to learn, and will be enjoying a variety of fantastic and new experiences. We will endeavour to instil a love of learning in each and every one of our pupils in Year 1, and to inspire the children's imaginations through the different topics chosen throughout the term. Please do have a look at the Newsletter and the Curriculum overview attached. 

 In order to help you and the children transition into the new school year, here are a few important bits of information for the upcoming term:

 Information on PE:

 Week 1: 

Apple: Thursday 

Beech: Monday

Cherry: Friday

Elm: Wednesday 

 Week 2: 

Apple: Thursday

Beech: Monday

Cherry: Friday 

Elm: Tuesday



 Forest School:

 Week 5 - Week 8 

 Tuesday: Cherry (AM) and Beech(PM)

 Friday: Elm (AM) and Apple (PM)

 If your child is in the morning session, can you ensure that they wear appropriate forest school clothing over their school uniform. If they are wearing wellies to school, please can you provide them with their school shoes in a spare bag to change into. If your child is in the afternoon session, can you ensure you pack appropriate forest school clothing for the children to get changed into during the school day. They will remain in their forest school clothing at the end of the school day at pick-up time.

 Library Days: TBC

Apple: TBC

Beech: Wednesday

Cherry: Thursday

Elm: Thursday


 If you have any skills or experiences that would support the children in their learning this term, please speak to your child’s class teacher. Also, if you're able to help volunteer to read with our children, please do also get in contact with your child's class teacher. 

 If you have any queries, please don't hesitate to get in touch with your child's class teacher. Email addresses can be found below and we will be at the classroom doors at the end of the day. 

 Year 1 teacher email addresses:

 Apple class 

 Mr David Brand -

 Beech class 

 Miss Olivia Wiles -

 Cherry class

 Miss Phoebe Hillyard -

 Elm class

 Miss Sidra Khan -


 Many thanks, 

 The Year One Team